Preparation of the Crème Brûlée
Pre-heat the oven at 150°C (302°F). Whip the egg yolks with the sugar and the vanilla essence. Add the milk bit by bit.
Add the whipped cream and mix together. Pour the egg mix in muffin dishes. Put the filled muffin dishes in a baking tin. Add the water until ⅔ part of the dishes are covered under the water. Put the dishes during 30 minutes in the pre-heated oven. Let the Crème Brûlée cool and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Preparation of the markoesa sauce
Cut the markoesa in two halves and spoon out the pulp. Put the pulp in a pot to boil. Add the Golden Brand margarine and sugar. Keep stirring until a smooth, creamy sauce. Take the markoesa sauce from the fire and let it cool.
Just prior to serving, take the Crème Brûlée out of the refrigerator and pour the markoesa sauce over the Crème Brûlée. Sprinkle a layer of sugar evenly on this. Use a brûlée burner to melt the sugar and caramelize until light brown.
Tip: Instead of a brûlée burner, you can put the Crème Brûlée in the oven during a short time.